Beta Sig is uniquely organized to provide each of its members with the most suitable environment to succeed. By having both group and individually focused study settings, our living arrangements work for everyone. At Beta Sig, there is the perfect balance of academic and recreational amenities:
Alumni Networking
Designated Free Parking
Free to use Printers/Copiers
Full Customization of your Room
Home Theatre in Great Room
Newly Renovated Rooms
Laundry Facilities on Each Floor
Large Outdoor Patio Area
Largest Garage/Shop throughout Greek Life
Multiple Game Rooms
Newly Renovated Chapter House
Scholarships Available
2nd & 3rd Floor Lounges
4 Study Rooms with Whiteboards and TVs
24/7 Open and Stocked Kitchen
All Amenities Include:
Newly renovated Chapter House with completely new addition, doubling living area
Newly renovated rooms and brand new rooms for all in-house members
Designated free parking on Chapter property for all members
24/7 open and stocked kitchen with professional appliances
12 meals per week prepared by professional Chef
4 study rooms with whiteboards and TVs for group study sessions or for quiet interviews
Alumni networking and professional development through S&T career fair
Free to use printers/copiers onsite for all members, eliminating the need to print on campus
Study/Quiet hours promote active learning environments throughout the school week
Laundry facilities on each floor with 4 washers and 4 dryers for all members
Free access to largest garage/shop throughout Greek Life for individual and academic projects
Access to comprehensive online file system to promote member study habits
Home theatre in Great Room with seating for all members for large sports events or movie nights
Multiple game rooms with billiards, table tennis, poker, a piano, and air hockey
Large patio area for house BBQs, outdoor seating, and outside room for socials
Campus WiFi and ethernet services in every room of the house for lightning fast internet access
Members reside in 2 or 3 man rooms, furnished with a desk, chair, bed, and mattress
Members may fully customize each room with whatever furnishings or decorations they bring
Lounge areas on 2nd and 3rd floor with TVs, comfy couches, and water fountains
Multiple scholarships available for all members. Visit mstbetasig.org/scholarships for more info
Sit-down lunches and dinners in dining hall every day of the week for all members
Mailboxes for each member in house, allowing for members to get their mail sent directly to them
Brand new safety systems including central fire detection system and a house-wide sprinkler system
Large chapter room for house meetings as well as for guest speakers and professional development