FAQ for Parents
Frequently Asked Questions
Many parents have questions regarding fraternity life. Below are some common questions that we receive from parents and potential new members. We welcome any additional questions you may have! Feel free to contact us at any time.
Why join Beta Sigma Psi?
Any fraternity is going to try to convince you why their fraternity is for you. Beta Sigma Psi strives to find high-quality Christian men that embody our beliefs. We work to create true brothers through lasting spiritual, scholastic, and social friendships. We take pride in our no-tolerance hazing policy, ensuring that your son will not be placed in uncomfortable situations. At Missouri S&T, we are motivated to uphold our reputation of fostering both welcoming and safe environments for everyone we come in contact with. If your son is a good fit for Beta Sig, he already shares our values and beliefs. By joining, he’ll be able to gain the most from his college experiences by surrounding himself with like-minded individuals. If Beta Sigma Psi isn't the right place for him, we will help him find a fraternity that is.
What about pledging or hazing?
The men of Beta Sigma Psi oppose hazing, and we take pride in our no-tolerance hazing policy. We are committed to an associate member program that teaches responsibility, commitment, and leadership to all new members. During this program, your son and other new members will participate in weekly meetings to learn about the university and Beta Sigma Psi. Along with this, your son will have the opportunity to attend leadership retreats, community service projects, and activities designed to build friendships among the new members and the older fraternity members. During the associate member program, your son will never be asked to do anything he is not comfortable with. Doing so would be unethical and would go against the ideals of our fraternity. All members of Beta Sigma Psi share the same rights, responsibilities, and privileges - including your son.
Don’t fraternities promote excessive drinking?
Absolutely not. Beta Sigma Psi expects all members to uphold federal, state, county, and city laws, as well as university policies regarding the consumption of alcohol. Alcohol abuse is unhealthy and inconsistent with the values and ideals of Beta Sigma Psi. The men of Beta Sigma Psi are committed to ensure the responsibility and safety of our members first and foremost. Many fraternities, including Beta Sig, are leading the way on college campuses in the effort to combat alcohol by implementing innovative abuse prevention initiatives. Each semester, Beta Sigma Psi hosts 2-3 professional speakers to educate our members on alcohol safety and responsibility. Plenty of our members decide to not drink, and they are never excluded from any activity. The brothers of Beta Sigma Psi will always be supportive to ensure that if a member makes the decision to consume alcohol, they are responsible while doing so.
Will my son have enough time to study? Will fraternity membership impact his grades?
Students often find managing their time difficult when moving from the highly structured high school environment to the freedoms of college. Beta Sigma Psi is here to assist in that transition by providing scholarships, study hours, tutoring, and an inclusive file system to all members, including your son. Being a student is more than just a job while on campus, it’s a lifestyle. Beta Sigma Psi provides a proven foundation to maintain a successful path. Beta Sigs have been historically ranked among the academic leaders on campus. The house GPA consistently exceeds the all men’s average and campus average. In fact, Beta Sig has received the Outstanding Scholastic Policy Award in both 2019 and 2020 from the Interfraternity Council. Our study system keeps track of who is falling behind academically and assists them reach their full potential. Your son will have access to a network of fraternity members who already know how to use campus resources such as the library, career centers, computer labs and academic advisors. Beta Sigma Psi is adamant about academic success, and we will do everything we can to help your son perform to the best of his ability. While Beta Sig strives to improve the academic achievement of our members, your son is ultimately responsible for utilizing the resources made available.
Doesn’t it cost a lot of money to be in a fraternity? Are there any hidden fees?
Beta Sigma Psi strives to offer competitively priced housing for our brothers and to provide real value for the financial investment. The cost of living in Beta Sigma Psi is significantly less than living in the dorms. Our fraternity is self-supported through dues charged to all members. In the first year of membership, a few one time expenses are included. After those initial payments are made, expenses will include chapter dues and annual fraternity dues. There are no hidden fees, but Beta Sigma Psi offers a completely optional markup program for all members for items such as sweatshirts, T-shirts, and other accessories. For more information, feel free to visit our Cost Breakdown page or view our Cost Spreadsheet. For more specific information, contact eta.betasigmapsi@gmail.com with any further questions.
Being in a fraternity sounds like a large time commitment. Is it?
Participating in any worthwhile activity always requires an investment of one's time. While some fraternities may take up additional time, Beta Sig’s associate member program is designed to only take 2-3 hours per week. Beta Sig realizes the importance of trying new things in college, which is why we encourage all members get involved on campus and in the community. The brothers of Beta Sig have ample free time, and 100% of our members are involved in organizations outside of the fraternity. A research initiative has shown that involved college students are more likely to graduate and report greater satisfaction with their college experience. Through his involvement with Beta Sigma Psi, your son will learn how to balance his academic, work, campus involvement, and social commitments.
Who is actually in charge of Beta Sigma Psi?
Undergraduate fraternity members are elected to officer positions in order to manage the day-to-day operations of Beta Sigma Psi. These officers are assisted by members serving on committees and by pastoral and campus advisors. Beta Sigma Psi is also part of an international fraternal organization that offers support, advice, and direction through paid professional staff and regional volunteers. Professional staff from Missouri S&T also assist and monitor the activities of each fraternity. Members who are elected to officer positions gain excellent leadership experience along with enhanced time-management skills. Both of these qualities are sought after by employers, which is why nearly all of our members receive job offers upon graduation.
Aren’t all fraternities like the movie Animal House?
Of course not, the Greek system and Beta Sigma Psi strive to be a positive influence for the community and for your son. Unfortunately since the movie’s debut, fraternity members have been categorized as irresponsible and abusive partiers. In reality, fraternities are value-based organizations dedicated to the development of character and lifelong friendship. Greek students often get higher grades than students who live in the residence halls or in individual apartments, and Greek students have a higher retention and graduation rate. The Greek community helps the entire community by sponsoring philanthropy and community service projects.
How does my son join Beta Sigma Psi?
Our Recruitment Team meets with potential new members during PRO days, rush events, house tours, and even in class. After meeting with a potential member multiple times, the Recruitment Team may extend a bid of membership if they believe that potential member will be a positive addition to Beta Sigma Psi. If given a bid card, the potential member is given time to talk to their parents and ask any more questions they have to the Recruitment Team. If the individual chooses to accept the bid, the Recruitment Director organizes the move with Campus. At this point, the individual is welcomed into Beta Sig as a new Associate Member! Behind the scenes, the Recruitment Team will notify Campus of the living arrangement change. Beta Sigma Psi will cover any move-out charges for switching out of the dorms. Welcome to Beta Sig!
What is my role as a parent?
Be supportive and learn as much as you can by asking questions of your son as he meets people through the recruitment and new-member process. Never be afraid to reach out! The members of Beta Sigma Psi will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have. We encourage parents to remain involved in your son’s life and education. To that end, we host a parent’s weekend each year when you will have a chance to mingle with everyone in the house and have a good meal. Parents and family members are always welcome to stop by any time!